APCO Whole House Air Purifier

Why do you need a whole house air purifier or a air purification system?  Odors, germs, allergens…these are just a few of the airborne contaminants that threaten our homes.  According to the EPA, indoor air is often five times more polluted than outdoor air.

Patriot PCO whole house Air purifier purification chartIndoor air pollution is divided into three types: particulates, biological, and odors.  Air filters remove particulates but not the other two thirds: biological and odors.

Only the APCO Whole House Air Purifier effectively addresses the other two thirds of indoor air pollution that filters do not.

Air Purification System Installation

The APCO air purification system installs in your central air system.  Some models include a second remote UV light for additional mold disinfection inside the air system.

It is safe, effective and ozone free. The APCO Whole House Air Purifier sterilizes biological contaminants such as mold, bacteria, and viruses, and neutralizes unpleasant odors and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s).

Independent laboratory tests confirm significant reductions in both biological and VOC contaminants after just a few hours of use.

The APCO air purification system combines advanced photocatalytic oxidation technology with UVC light and a matrix of activated carbon cells for comprehensive air cleaning.

Odor causing VOC’s and microbes are captured and held in place by the carbon matrix. UVC lights sterilizes microbes by destroying their DNA which prevents them reproducing.Patriot PCO Air purifier air purification and allergy relief chart

VOCs, odors and toxic vapors are transformed into harmless water vapor and carbon dioxide which are released back into the air allowing the carbon cells to regenerate.

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APCO cells are self-cleaning and the system is virtually maintenance free.

Because the APCO Whole House Air Purification system is installed in the central air system it works continuously to purify all the air in the home or office.

Installation of the APCO air purifier is easy and inexpensive.  Installation time is usually only takes a few hours and your air will begin to be purified immediately.

Contact your Extreme Comfort Advisor for costs and details.  (972) 234-2336

Want to learn more about Whole House Air Purifiers?  Click here.

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