AC Repair, HVAC Installation, Sales & Service in Addison, TX

Addison, Texas city logo for AC Repair and New air conditioner installation

Serving Addison, TX, Since 2004

Extreme Comfort Air Conditioning and Heating has provided AC Repair and New Air Conditioning Installation services in Addison, TX, since 2004.

We are certified experts in A/C repair and New AC System Replacement for top-rated brands like Carrier, Lennox, Rheem, Trane, York, Goodman, and more. 

Are you low on Freon? Does your home not feel cool in summer? Our service technicians are experts in diagnosing and repairing failing or broken Air Conditioning systems. Ask about our service specials when you contact an Extreme Comfort Adviser to schedule an appointment for air conditioning repair in Addison, TX.

If you do not live in Addison, TX, Extreme Comfort offers Air Conditioning Services throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. 

Do you need AC Repair or an Air Conditioning System Check-Up in Addison, TX?

Although they sound similar, there is a difference between an AC Repair Service Call and an Air Conditioning Check-Up. A service call is needed when your air conditioning system is malfunctioning. Suppose your home is warm in the summer or cold in the winter. In that case, an Extreme Comfort service technician will diagnose and provide air conditioning repair in Addison, TX, usually in just one visit to your home.

On the other hand, routine 18-point check-ups are conducted on currently functioning units as part of your annual maintenance program. Yearly check-ups will help ensure your AC system works properly throughout the year and for years. 

Your best choice for AC Installation in Addison, TX

When it comes to the comfort of your home and the quality of the air that you breathe, the trusted and approved experts at Extreme Comfort are licensed and insured for AC Installation in Addison, TX.

Installing a new air conditioning and heating system is more than just plugging in a new piece of equipment. The Extreme Comfort Advisors are trained to evaluate the specifics of your home to recommend a new A/C system that is custom-designed for your home.

Plus, if areas of your home have hot or cold spots, we will solve those problems and leave your home in Extreme Comfort.

Extreme Comfort offers new AC installation services throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex if you do not live in Addison, TX.

Extreme Comfort Air Conditioning & Heating Service Technician greeting customer

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    Extreme Comfort ONLY serves North Texas and the DFW Metroplex. Do you live in the Dallas metroplex?

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    See Why Homeowners Trust Us!

    What Does SEER Mean?

    Our customers always ask, “What does SEER mean?” since this is the term that every AC Installation company will use; unfortunately, most people don’t fully understand the meaning and importance.

    In a nutshell, SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and is a mathematical measurement of how efficiently an air conditioning system uses electricity. For a more detailed explanation, click here

    Many salespeople will sell you an AC unit with a high SEER rating and tell you your system will achieve that rating. That is not necessarily true.

    SEER ratings are based on the entire indoor/outdoor system. The outdoor unit (AC Condenser or the Heat Pump Condenser), the furnace, and the evaporator coil.

    Please ask your Extreme Comfort Advisor to explain the details of SEER ratings and how they will affect the comfort in your home.

    AC Repair and Install Specials

    AC Repair service call special offer by Extreme Comfort Air Conditioning and Heating


    Instant Cash Rebate offer on new Air Conditioning System installed by Extreme Comfort


    Special Financing offer for purchase of new air conditioning system installed by Extreme Comfort


    About Addison Texas

    Where did Addison, Texas, get its name?

    The Town of Addison is located in an area once called Peters Colony. It was settled as early as 1846 when Preston Witt and his wife built a house on White Rock Creek. The area was not known as Addison until 1902 and was named after Addison Robertson, who served as the community’s second postmaster from 1908-1916.

    Addison, Texas average temperatures chart for AC Repair and Installation in Addison, Texas

    Addison, Texas Average Temperatures

    How Many People Live In Addison?

    As of the 2019 census, only 15,302 people live in Addison, Texas.

    Kaboom Town

    More than 500,000 fans of fireworks and fun come to Addison each year for Addison Kaboom Town!, ranked in the top three fireworks shows in the nation by